My consultancy work is grounded in Black feminist practice which is intersectional, emancipatory, loving and necessarily disruptive. I believe that unsettling ‘business as usual’ (including what I call the “oppressive familiar”) is part of how we create change.

I work with individuals, groups and organisations on projects which cover a wide range of interconnected issues including: intersectionality, racial justice, gender justice, decoloniality, ending violence against women and girls, funding and social justice more broadly.

My approach integrates different knowledge and practice systems as a foundation for listening and attending to: what we feel, what we  think, what we know, the ways that we behave / take action  and how we heal.

Ways that I work :

  • Workshops, training and facilitation: focussed on specific themes / areas. This involves ‘going on a journey’ which may be very short (e.g. 1 hour) or run over a few hours or  a  day, in some cases it can be much longer (e.g. a  whole programme with a number of sessions over many months).  

  • Policy  support:  reviewing documentation and exploring approaches and making recommendations for deepening, strengthening and/or transforming policy and practice

  • One-to-one  support: “radical accompaniment” for individual practitioners

  • Learning partnership: ongoing work with a group / organisation which may include some  or all of the above

  • Public speaking including keynotes and panels: this is usually at conferences and seminars

  • Teaching: covering areas  such intersectionality and ending violence against women and girls.

  • Chairing  / membership: including steering  groups,  funding panels

Some of the folk I have worked with (collaborations, teaching, workshops, training and commissions) include:

Marai Larasi Consultancy Ltd is a Private Company Limited by Shares, and registered under the General Data Protection Regulations and holding Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance cover.